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Non-alcoholic pairings

Smoked: Nicaragua

Just throwing this out there, and wondering of other's opinion.

I quit drinking three years ago (and man do I miss Scotch with a stick). I've come to find that Coke Zero seems to pair well with most cigars I've tried. It brings out any little hints of sweet, or caramel flavors that might, or might not be in the cigar. Who knows, maybe I'm just desensitized, but I like it better than most non-alcoholic beers.

What are some of your thoughts?


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    (3 years ago)

    hello there,

    I drink Red Bull once in a while with my sticks peach and blue berry also with the yellow one which is citrus I believe they help and are so tasty man try it and I tried coke also and man it’s good. don’t drink alcoholic beverages either but will keep trying other drinks 🥤

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    (4 years ago)

    This might sound a bit weird but Dr.pepper or root beer are good for when you are enjoying cigars. Both drinks have complex flavors just like the cigars we enjoy.

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    (4 years ago)

    New to cigar smoking. However my second stick was a perdomo lot 23 with coke. It was a great pair.

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    (4 years ago)

    Were you CI Joe of the Day today?

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    (4 years ago)

    Brother, I’m in the same boat and Coke Zero is my drink of choice too. Subtle sweetness but you can still taste the notes, be they spice, oak, leather, etc. A great choice for those of us who just can’t drink anymore!

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    (4 years ago)

    Before noon it’s coffee. I had a cigar with a lemon flavored seltzer for the first time this afternoon and quite enjoyed it!

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      (4 years ago)

      I quit 37 years ago. As for beer i like Odouls amber with a lot of sticks. Water all the time morning coffee(black) with my milder ( Connecticut) stuff. I have tried root beer( i’m not supposed to drink dark sodas) . I love 7up but lemon lime seems to screw up my palate. Water right now with a box pressed maduro. Check out what the master rollers say about cleaning your palate. It’s interesting. Being a non drinker i smoke cigars for the “cigar experience” . It’s all about that with me.

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    (4 years ago)

    I like a diet peach iced tea with my cigar.

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      (4 years ago)

      I'll have to try it

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      (4 years ago)

      That sounds decent. Will have to give it a try.