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Cigar Cuts

Double blade guillotine cut almost always with an occasional V-Cut for specific cigars.

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Cigar cuts

I've always been a straight cut or a punch. I still like my punch on certain cigars, but have been enjoying the v cut lately. The punch you have to

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Divine Cuts

I like the Straight and V Cut

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I use a "Perfect Cut" for most of my cigars and a V-Cut for Box Press.

The only problem with the V-Cut is most of them are too big and I

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Enjoying a Knuckle Buster with a tasty refreshment on a Friday after work.

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I'll switch between v cut and a punch.

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Good afternoon Brothers of The Leaf

I am wanting to try a few different cigars and I am not sure which ones I should try. I enjoy Oliva V Series, CAOs,

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Due to the variety of cigars that I smoke, I usually depend on a double blade guillotine cutter. With the guillotine cutter you can always adjust your depth.

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Favorite cut

The crown cut

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So it always seems that the way you cut your cigar is some type of indication as to how long you've been smoking. Punch - rookie, V cut - noob,

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I’m relatively new to cigars, but so far I’m a fan of the punch because my lighter has a built-in punch. Maybe I’m lazy, but I like traveling as light

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Favorite cut

Gotta be the V

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Let's be honest out of all the cuts this one is the most consistent and least problematic with the best flavor profile. The V cut can lend a tighter draw

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any. i have yet to try the v cut, usually a straight cut or my always available bullet.

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Favorite Cuts

Favorite cut has to be the V cut. Followed by a straight cut. Both are quite enjoyable!

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Favorite Cut

Love me a perfect cut. It’s called perfect for a reason, right? 😏

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Switch At Times

I usually use a straight cut however depending on the cigar a V cut works great

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I enjoy the crisscross Cut,,,OH my cat did that!

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Smoked: AVO Syncro Nicaragua

V cut followed by a punch.

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Favorite cut

Traditional straight

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Favorite cut

I am mostly a V cut person or if that is not enough draw the cut the v again to make like a cross but i may just need to

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favorite cuts

V cut or straight cut. not a fan of punch

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Favorite Cut

Smoked: Montecristo Classic

Punch cut or straight cut most of the time. V cut on occasions. Tried Shuriken cut, but it never worked for me.

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Different Cutters

Use all different styles V cutter is favorite.

Regular cutter for torpedos.

Punch cut depending on style of cigar.

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