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Favorite cut

I like using the v cut.

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Started with the straight cut but it took off too much of the cap, so I switched the the punch, but it's difficult to use on torpedoes. Now I use

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I like a punch for toro’s and a straight cut for torpedos. Never tried a V-cutter.

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Favorite Cut

as of right now I have used only two cuts the punch and the Straight. The Straight cut is my Favorite

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Favorite cut

Straight cut on everything except for tapered cigars like perfecto, torpedo, belicoso, then a vcut

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I have always preferred straight cuts, but getting into the V-cut recently has been growing on me a bit

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Favorite Cut

On box pressed, I prefer v-cut. Everything else im a fan of the straight cut. Punch cut is a bit too much work.

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Straight cut

Straight cut, tried punch but did not care for it. No v cut tried yet

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Favorite cut

On bigger ring cigars I prefer the "V" cut and smaller sizes I like the guillotine cut.

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Favorite Cut

My go to is the V cut but depending on the vitola, I also love the straight cut.

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V cut

V cut

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Straight Cut

My go to is a straight cut, it was works for all different vitolas. However, I also like a V cut.

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Cigar cuts

I prefer a punch cut but I also will do a V-cut.

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Perfect cigar cutter

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Easy "V"

I was a guillotine guy for the longest time but now go to is V cut. Better draw.

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My favorite cut?

I like v, or multiple v, or punch. I prefer the way they seem to help with draw.

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Favorite Cut

I like the v-cut.

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Punch to get all the flavors of the stick

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Favorite cut

I enjoy a good v cut

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Smoked: Any

My favorite cut is the punch.

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Smoked: San Lotano Dominicano

V cut does the trick for me on just about every stick. Might take a regular cutter and make an angle cut for a figurado .

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Make the cut

I’ve punched in the past but I prefer a straight cut. I assume it was maybe the “original” way. I don’t know, maybe biting was.

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I tired the V cut and like the smooth pull of it.

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Favorite Cut

I like a nice sharp V cut

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Call me boring… 😀

Guillotine cut for most just off the shoulder

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