What is the Cigar World Testing Lab?
Cigar World wants to hear from every cigar lover, from beginner to aficionado, on what makes certain cigars enjoyable. If you verify your age and are approved for the Cigar World Testing Lab, you’ll get the exclusive opportunity to become a vital part of the future of the cigar industry.
Members within the Cigar World Testing Lab will be on the forefront of tobacco innovation. Your thoughts and opinions around the taste and aroma of your favorite blends could set the course for many future tobacco products to come.
What do you get for Signing Up?
The chance to smoke cigars from the biggest brands and provide feedback before anyone else.
The exclusive opportunity to take cigar research surveys and set the groundwork for the future of cigars.
What do you need to do?
- Verify that you’re of legal smoking age and that you’re interested in joining.
- When prompted, fill out cigar research surveys and provide your feedback.
- If you’re chosen to test a cigar, once you receive it, please smoke it within 7 days and provide feedback.
- That’s it, it’s that simple.