In today's review, we have something truly special for you - the Decade, a medium-to-full bodied, box-pressed Nicaraguan blend that might be the cigar you've been looking for, or at least one worth re-visiting.

In 2007, Rocky Patel celebrated a decade in the business with the release of a special new blend. This cigar quickly garnered recognition from both consumers and industry publications alike, including a remarkable 95 rating from the Cigar Aficionado. So journey with us as we delve deeper into what makes the Rocky Patel Decade such sought-after picks for cigar connoisseurs.

As we navigate our way through this review, we'll discuss the cigar's smoking nuances, distinct flavours, and tasting notes which include a unique lead of black cherry, coffee and almond.

We'll also give you insider details on Rocky Patel himself. A former entertainment lawyer turned cigar virtuoso, Rocky's journey is as layered as his cigars. From his roots in the industry to his commendable role in fighting for cigar rights on Capitol Hill, Rocky Patel is an icon well-deserving of our admiration.

So, sit back, light up your favorite Rocky Patel cigar, and immerse yourself as we explore the Rocky Patel Decade.

Do you have any thoughts on the Decade blend? Let us know what you think in the comments (and don't forget to subscribe).

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    (14 months ago)

    I may need to revisit the Decade again; I didn't care much for the first one I smoked. Regardless, I always enjoy Holt's' videos. Mazz is quite a guy!