After the overwhelming success of HabanoCon, I got right to work planning the next Mega Herf for Cigars Daily Nation! The goal is to create an enviroment where members of the Cigars Daily Nation can experience all of the best parts of their passion for cigars together. The only problem is, I couldn't stand the name HabanoCon. The goal has always been to create an event that represents the Cigars Daily Nation, and all the things we love.

That's why I've landed on Cigartopia as the direction for the next big event. Now I need your help. If you watch Cigars Daily LIVE, then you know Cigartopia as the fictitious island that sits right off the West coast of Mexico, Honduras, and Nicaragua (and is definitely NOT the same shape as Lithuania). In order to create Cigartopia as a real place, it needs a little more personality. So I'm asking you to comment with your opinion on two questions. First, what should Cigartopia's national motto be? Secondly, what things should be on the Cigartopia flag? Drop your comments below, and pack your bags for Cigartopia!

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