Cigar World Retailer Onboarding
Join the ultimate cigar community!
We know your time is valuable, so we'll keep it brief: registering your account with Cigar World could greatly benefit your business.
Register for our retailer onboarding meetings for a chance to win a $500 credit toward future STG products for your account.
Onboarding Meetings Dates/Times Available:
- Tuesday, November 7th - 10am EST
- Tuesday, November 7th - 2pm EST
- Thursday, November 9th - 10am EST
- Thursday, November 9th - 2pm EST
Benefits include:
Reaching and engaging with a huge number of potential cigar smokers in your area:
Cigar World has +22k registered members and average monthly website traffic above 52k - and growing.
Customize Your Retail Page
Post photos, share your contact info and social media handles, and update your brand inventory.
Promote Upcoming Events
Keep your most dedicated fans in the loop.
Oh yeah, and did we mention this is all free?
100 chipc73
(15 months ago)"Cigar World has +22k registered members and average monthly website traffic above 52k - and growing."
Those are impressive stats. I had no idea there are +22k registered members. Keep up the good work, CW! I enjoy participating here, and my daily visit is a must-do. :)
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