Started at top of Ward B.
Clicked orange banner New Post.
Unselected Now Smoking.
Left both drop down options blank.
When I did these same steps 2 weeks ago, my long post on CW search options never posted.
Now req’s me to either Select A Cigar (so means “Now Smoking” is default, without allowing other Groups) or “Remove Cigar Information”. I’m selecting latter - have no idea if or where this will post.
8 Moose
(5 years ago)Also if you click to add now smoking to your group post, it is required. Simply click 'remove' and it will hide the fields and you can post with out it.
8 Moose
(5 years ago)You posted this to the ward b group. Look at the header of the post in the orange tag - it says ward b. That's how you know.
Also now smoking isn't required. If you are on your 'feed' and click what's happening that only lets you check in or review a cigar.
If you are in the 'groups' section of the site and click add post - you are adding a group post to the group you are viewing.
3 Deputy Mayor of CW
(5 years ago)Thanks! So it’s page-sensitive. Good!
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