My Easter Bunny (China Dan) sent me this outstanding selection of goodies for Quaranteaster. The Liquid Death water arrived a few weeks ago, but I waited for the rest to arrive before taking a pic. I'm very excited to try it. The packaging is awesome. The selection of cigars he chose to send is fantastic. There are TWO Chupa Cabras there and a KFC (faves of mine) and some ones I have not tried (his faves), so that's exciting. The tp, kleenex, and hand sanitizer are hilarious and perfect for this year's Bunny exchange. AND there's coffee (excited to try this too) and hot chocolate and some nifty candy!!! You really made my Easter. THANK YOU and I hope you are well and safe!

3 Deputy Mayor of CW
(5 years ago)Nice hit, part one, @ChinaDan!
He got me some of that Black Rifle for my birthday - super good stuff!
That skull mineral water looks interesting! Be sure to let us all know how it adds to your favorite whiskys & scotches.
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