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Thursday afternoon with Pages

Smoked: Penn Standard Gold Standard Nugget

At 4.5X44 this was the perfect quick afternoon stick I needed Thursday. Another Raymond Pages gem. Connie with a little bite due to Pennsylvania and Nicaraguan filler in the Ecuadorian shade wrapper. Very nice quick enjoyment.

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    (4 days ago)

    I have become, much to my dismay, somewhat of a cigar snob…(I hate to have to write that, even!) I enjoy smokes from quite a few nationalities, but for the last 15 to 20 years ISOMs are filling my humidors more and more. Seems that the distinct flavor profiles in the sticks I love are very hard to ignore! Help!

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      (2 days ago)

      Although I smoked mainly Cuban offerings when in Europe in the late 80's I feel the overall quality is degraded the last two decades. I still have and enjoy my favorite Bolivar sticks, but truly believe New World cigars on a whole are as good or in many caaes superior to Cubans. Quality control and soil depletions are affecting the once flawless sticks. Nicaragua has become home to so many talented ex Cuban artisans and their products are superior.