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Special Day. Special Smoke.

Smoked: Davidoff Nicaragua

Two years ago, almost to the exact date, I returned to smoking cigars after an almost 25-year hiatus. I chose the Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema to celebrate that momentous occasion. I now smoke one around this time every year. Today was the day. What a wonderful cigar! Time to order another one to rest until next September. Cheers!

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    (9 days ago)

    Great choice πŸ‘πŸ»

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      (9 days ago)

      You know, when I came back to cigars, my palate had regressed to newbie status; I couldn't really appreciate the Diadema's subtle flavors and complexity like I do now. But I wanted a cigar made by a highly respected company. I'm glad I chose the Diadema as my "welcome back" cigar. 😊

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    (9 days ago)

    I think I will smoke one tonight in honor of you Chipc73

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      (9 days ago)

      I am truly honored, brother. It looks like you enjoyed it. πŸ‘πŸ˜Š

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    (9 days ago)

    What a wonderful thing for you to celebrate and great choice. I am somewhat similar as although I really didn't step away from my love of cigars, I certainly slowed to the point of 3-5 per year for about 15 yrs.

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      (9 days ago)

      Thank you. And very interesting. I never stepped away from my love of cigars. My then new wife had always had an awful asthmatic reaction to cigarette smoke, so I figured cigar smoke would trigger her asthma, too. So, I gave 'em up. Come to find out (after almost 25 years!) she is not bothered by it at all. Go figure. In fact, she loves the aroma of fine cigars, and I can even smoke in the house. I am making up for lost time, believe me! 😁