Was a busy day. Wasn’t able to attend the HERF with the Deputy Mayor, Gladiator6, ChinaDan, and Dr P. But later in the evening I managed to wander over to a local B&M for a stick and a shot. Wind was too high to try to smoke on the deck, so that is why I ended up at a B&M. Bought a couple of nice sticks to open the door to the lounge. Saved the fresh sticks for aging in the humidor and smoked something I don’t recognize that came to me by way of Maduro Dan. Thank you Dan. Paired with Dalmore 12 Single Malt Scotch.
Mr. Punch stayed home in bed tonight. I need to take a stick to that bobble-head to get some energy into him.
3 Ranger
(5 years ago)Omitted the pic second time around, but text is still cut off. ????? Bug?
3 Ranger
(5 years ago)Also appears that the pics don’t scale up/down to fit the message window.
6 Moose
(5 years ago)Hi Ranger,
We are limiting the height on these in the card feeds so if someone uploads a super tall image, it doesn't just clog up the page. We are setting so the whole image shows on this detailed post view so you should be good to go
6 Moose
(5 years ago)Also text is not cut off, you only see the whole post on the detail page. Again we don't want to show a novel in your card feed, just the summary
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