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Outside the Box

Smoked: Brick House Maduro

Not my typical cigar. Thought I'd try something outside of my "brand wheelhouse" and load up the new Whynter Humidor I received as an early Christmas present with a few different sticks. Brick house Dumas Maduro Gordo (CI: 20 STICKS FOR $60). Not too bad for essentially a $3 cigar! Takes a V-cut rather nicely with a slightly weak draw, but as I'm making it through it has eased up considerably. It's a nice and chewy cigar definitely worth a smoke during a riding mower type afternoon or definitely a round of golf. Required a minor touch-up but then the ash was even burning. The dark wrapper and subdued dual-bands alludes to a much more expensive cigar, worthy of the military and public courses I'm fond of playing. Nice smoke if time is a concern, where if you happen to not finish it, there's no guilt involved. Perhaps that's just me. For the price point and if you have room for some relatively inexpensive, yet worthwhile smokes, then go for it. Pretty earthy, not a lot of spice on the palate or lips. Really brings out the hazelnut in my coffee this afternoon.

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  • Member Avatar
    (4 years ago)

    Nice review

    • Member Avatar
      (4 years ago)

      Thanks brother!