This is the sixth and final of a series of Kauai Cigar Company cigars I received as a gift.
All of the cigars in the sampler were the same size: the Momona (5.75 x 50).
This started out kind of ‘just ok’ but within a half of an inch of good ash, it kicked it up and hit cruise control to the end.
Paired with a morning coffee, the lighter creamy, smooth flavors were fantastic. An ideal smoke for a nice morning. In one word: idyllic.
There was a minor issue with the wrapper at the very end of the smoke but I think if you make it that far down a cigar - all issues are minor.
I enjoyed the sampling and would put all 6 on the lighter side of the profile flavoring.
My ranking of the 6:
1. Island Prince Sun-Grown
2. Ku’e
3. Wai’ale’ale
4. Makaleha
5. Island Prince Shade-Grown
6. Hawaiian Vintage Series
The pricing per stick is a bit higher than I would like, especially when shipping is added, but it was nice to get a taste of something that isn’t on every shelf in the neighborhood shops. The person who gave me the sampler also smoked their way through a sampler and, although some tastes varied slightly, the top 2 were the same for both of us.
Could you find better cigars for cheaper prices? Sure.
Coud you find worse cigars for more expensive prices? Sure.
I’m not going to pretend this is the best cigar I ever had, but it was good enough to consider a box purchase or splitting a box with someone in the future.
It is from Hawaii but you won’t sit there and think you’re on the beach somewhere with pineapples, coconut bikinis and grass skirts in the background. But you may wish you were…
100 Bear On The Air
(9 months ago)Where did you find these smokes?
74 Gindy
(9 months ago)The only place I can find them online is from the Company website. I don't think they sell them in stores on the mainland.
100 shortstackz
(9 months ago)Pineapple rum drinks with umbrellas… Grass skirts with hollowed out coconut bikini tops… Yeah, damn I want to try these… Hell, I’m already there… Pass me the SPF 30!!!
100 chipc73
(9 months ago)"Grass skirts with hollowed out coconut bikini tops… Yeah, damn I want to try these…" Sorry @shortstackz , you are my dear Brother of the Leaf, but I don't think I want to see you trying those on anytime soon. 😱🤣🤪
Sounds like an interesting overall experience, Gindy. It's always good to try sticks that are "out of the box" (no pun intended). Thanks for sharing it with us. 👍😊
100 shortstackz
(9 months ago)🤣🤣🤣
100 ElCid
(9 months ago)Great info on all of them.
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