This is the fifth of a series of Kauai Cigar Company cigars I received as a gift.
The size is called a Momona (5.75 x 50).
I tried something different with this cigar from the other Kauai cigars; I paired it with a rye whiskey as opposed to a coffee.
I expected a similar lighter profile like the other Kauai cigars and wanted to see if a different beverage would alter or change my perspective.
It didn’t. The cigar was what I expected and, although I think coffee is a better pairing, the whiskey didn’t hurt or help the flavor.
I usually pair the rye whiskey with fuller flavor cigars but:
a) I wanted to drink that particular rye that night
b) I wanted to smoke that particular cigar that night
The lighter earthy, tobacco flavoring was a nice partner for the evening. Me, whiskey and tobacco…it was enjoyable.
I think the Island Prince line is Kauai Cigar’s flagship brand so I am curious what the Sun-Grown version holds in store for me.
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