This is the fourth of a series of Kauai Cigar Company cigars I received as a gift.
The size is called a Momona (5.75 x 50).
As with the other Kauai cigars, I paired this Hawaiian Vintage Series with coffee for a morning smoke.
A few of the other Kauai cigars had a noticeable boost in flavor after the initial first few minutes and I was anticipating that to happen with this as well.
However, this cigar had more of a gradual increase in flavor and taste as it burned; the second third was better than the first third and the final third was better than the second third, etc.
It was a good decent smoke with similar flavors as the other Kauai cigars and a great way to spend the first \~90 minutes of my day. No regrets.
I have two cigars remaining from the Kauai sampler: Island Prince – Sun-Grown & Island Price Shade-Grown
If I was forced to rank the four I already smoked:
1. Ku’e
2. Wai’ale’ale
3. Makaleha
4. Hawaiian Vintage Series
Cigar World
(9 months ago)Nice! 🔥 Looking forward for your review on the last two!
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