Spicy from the get go...peppery spice on my lips, even during light-up! Superb construction makes for a nice even burn, takes a v-cut exceptionally well, with a nice robust draw. Pretty toothy and dark (ligero) wrapper, with a firm nicely rolled feel in your hand. Flavorful, lots of charred wood and espresso richness, that changes throughout the smoke. Overall, a heavily peppered cigar that lingers on the lips and tongue. Definitely suggest pairing with a nice drink that would compliment the complexity, perhaps a nice glass of Elijah Woods (I'll have to give that a try the next time around).
28 Howbucks
(4 years ago)Just finishing up this three-ash stick. Finish, has a very strong pepper and charred wood taste. It might just be me, but I'm feeling the strength of this cigar. I'm a pretty big guy with a decent alcohol tolerance...and I don't know if anyone else ever gets a slight buzz from a stronger cigar, but this one kicked me in the butt with a "two beer-esque" feeling. Extreme...is right!
28 Howbucks
(4 years ago)Just as a follow-up, a cup of coffee this afternoon with this Extreme took a little edge off the peppery spice.
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