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Today's Smokes

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Today's Smoke

This afternoon I have a cup of Earl Grey tea and an Oliva Series V Double Robusto

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Today's Smoke

My DIL the baker brought some Irish soda bread to be baked by MrsDoc, I just finished a piece hot out of the oven and it was gooood.

I have a

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Worked on taxes out in the fresh air & sunlight yesterday. So lit up a Tatuaje Monster The Krueger & some Larceny bourbon-laced strong coffee.


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Monte Cristo

A well aged MC in my smoke shack, no noise, no complaints, and no virus! null

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Today's Smoke

This afternoon I am watching the presidents press conference and smoking an Oliva Series V Double Robusto with some Earl Grey tea

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Today's Smoke

My doctor cancelled my appointment for tomorrow due to her having many immunocompromised patients.

No problem for me as I feel fine

This afternoon I have an Oliva Series V Double Robusto

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Today's Smoke

A Punch Gran Puro Rancho and Kenyan Reserve coffee with some cornbread.

MrsDoc wants to go grocery shopping this morning. I guess she has no choice as we are running out

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I’m enjoying an Olivia Master Blends III. It’s not as cold as I thought it would be today, and the rain has held off as well.

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Today's Smoke

The Ides of March are Upon Us. This is the day that Caesar was stabbed in the forearm and died from what one must presume is tetanus.

I ordered a box

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Looks like there were some significant improvements to this function. Just ran through it and many of my favorites showed up in the list. And some I hadn’t thought of.

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Last Day in WV

Now back home, but yesterday as we cleaned up from our work in WV, Mr. Punch and I had some good times together. First stick was an H. Upmann ISOM,

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Had a couple great sticks this week:

* Drew Estate Kuba Kuba (started my cigar life with these, so have to light one up now & again)

* CAO Brazilia (one of

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Today's Smoke

Late getting home from the hair dresser so late lunch and now in the den with an Oliva Series V Double Robusto and Lemon Zinger

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In WV at a friend’s new mountain house. Have been helping him deconstruct an old single-wide trailer. Amazing how flimsy these things are. Easy to take apart. No wonder so

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Today's smoke is enjoyed on my front porch, with a beautiful 82 degree evening…while the wife is away attending an event with a friend. I'm enjoying an Upper Cut Punch,

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I’m enjoying a Monte Cristo Platinum

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Today's Smoke

We went food shopping this morning and then over to B-J's.

The place was packed. People hording everything from paper towels to toilet paper and water. We just went to get

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Today's Smoke

I booked a new cruise this afternoon for March of 2021. Hopefully Covid-19 will be gone by then.

This afternoon I have an Oliva Series V Double Robusto and Earl Grey

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Today's Smoke

I am starting the day with getting some blood drawn for a routine trip to my diabetes doctor next week.

That meant no breakfast, and when I got home MrsDoc was

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Afternoon Cigar

Today I'm trying a HVC La Rosa 520 Maduro Short Robusto. Good cigar so far, earthy and strong.

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Today's Cigar

Having an Cusano 18 Corojo with my Donut Store blend coffee.

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Warmed up nicely today. After working to clean out the garage, I settled on the deck (sans patio heater) with a nicely aged Dunhill Heritage. The Deputy Mayor of CW

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I don’t know where some folks get all the flowery prose, but here’s my take on the Diesel Whiskey Row Robusto. It’s a good looking cigar, a smooth wrapper and

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Today's Smoke

Another Punch Gran Puro Rancho, Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee and the last of the streusel cake.

Then out to lunch at Outback for Bloomin Monday.

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I've not taken the time to enjoy a smoke on my porch, in months. I take time to smoke something each day, but I typically only get a few minutes

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