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Help Fix My Humidor!

I put a half smoked cigar in my desktop humidor to save for later - big mistake. Now the humidor smells bad and seems to be keeping humidity at a higher level. Any ways to fix the smell and humidity issues?

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  • Member Avatar
    (36 days ago)

    I've been thinking about this. I'm wondering if placing some baking soda on a small plate or something in the humidor and then closing it for a while would help to remove the odor. ??

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    (36 days ago)

    You are kind of f’ed. Follow ElCids advice. Leave it open outside and don’t do It again. Read Zino Davidoff book “The Connoisseurs Book of the Cigar.” We all f’ up

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    (37 days ago)

    Put some cedar blocks or spills in it.