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3 Headdoc
(4 years ago)Any Arturo Fuentes is great with a good bourbon or even an old fashion.
Cigar World
(4 years ago)Nice.
2 Jfortis3
(4 years ago)Don't drink alcohol anymore however Pepsi is my go to for all cigars.
Cigar World
(4 years ago)Nice.
2 Dave
(4 years ago)Quality Bourbon my go to is usually a My Father Le Bijou or Don Peppin Blue. So many great smokes out there. I also enjoy an Osa or a nice Dominican.
Cigar World
(4 years ago)Cheers.
Thanks @Dave
1 Boxkiller
(4 years ago)Fuente Anejo & Jefferson Ocean Batch 22 Wheated
Cigar World
(4 years ago)2 Stove
(4 years ago)For me, it’s about making sure the bourbon doesn’t overpower the cigar. That’s why I usually go with Makers Mark bourbon.
Cigar World
(4 years ago)Solid choice. Can't go wrong with Makers.
9 AlexPhillips
(4 years ago)Camacho Connecticut and Woodford Reserve
11 casa.cigars
(4 years ago)Cohiba Connecticut + High West American Prairie
Cigar World
(4 years ago)Thanks folks these are great. We'll be providing Cigar World picks soon, just wanted to hear from you!
6 Moose
(4 years ago)Weller and a medium to medium full bodied cigar.
28 Howbucks
(4 years ago)Elijah Craig or Bulleit with CAO
L' Anniversaire Maduro.
100 Goomba
(4 years ago)Punch Rare Corojo
100 Goomba
(4 years ago)and Michter's
No one has commented on this page yet.