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Warped Maestro del Tiempo

Smoked: Warped Maestro del Tiempo

Warped Maestro del Tiempo is a Nicraguan puro with a smooth oily brown Corojo wrapper sporting only a few visibile veins.

Wood – mostly cedar – and some serious pepper is the initial draw. The pepper is tamped down a few minutes later with the addition of cashews, hazelnuts, earth, and an occasional bread and an unidentifiable fruit note. The pepper morphs into more of an array of spices. But make no mistake the pepper remains a dominant flavor. The retrohale is pepper and cedar. Maestro del Tiempo is medium-full bodied and strength.

The burn line was askew from the beginning requiring several touchups. The draw was tight – could have used more resistance. Perfect Draw takes a steady hand and a lot of patience with this slender lonsdale – neither of which I had during this smoke. A toothpick poke or two opened up the draw temporarily. The smoke production was thin. The white & Grey ash only held to the half inch mark before falling. The ash was also a bit flaky.

I found the Warped Maestro del Tiempo to be a very average cigar. It’s balanced, but with minimal flavors, relatively no real transitions nor complexity.

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Warped Maestro del Tiempo


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