Here’s what I would consider the top 3 Cigars of Life. Let me know which is your favorite or comment another type of “Life’s Cigars”:
The Post Work Cigar
The Golf Course Cigar
The Lawn Work Cigar
Here’s what I would consider the top 3 Cigars of Life. Let me know which is your favorite or comment another type of “Life’s Cigars”:
The Post Work Cigar
The Golf Course Cigar
The Lawn Work Cigar
100 chipc73
(7 months ago)Hey Noah -- my favorite in your list would be "The Post Work Cigar." In my case, since I'm the 24/7/365 sole Caregiver for my wife who is severely disabled with Cerebral Palsy, mine would be "Break Time Cigar." I may be retired, but there ain't no such thing as "Post Work" for me anymore. 🤣
7 NoahF.
(7 months ago)I call those quick “Break Time Cigars” the “Robusto Recovery”.
100 chipc73
(7 months ago)Precisely. That's why the glorious Robusto is my go-to vitola. (Although I have been known to often make one last almost 2 hours!) 😊
100 shortstackz
(7 months ago)Any cigar that I can enjoy from start to finish without being interrupted!!! Those are the ones that do it for me!
100 chipc73
(7 months ago)Uninterrupted? What's THAT??!! 🤣
7 NoahF.
(7 months ago)This right here is my favorite comment!
100 ElCid
(7 months ago)I had a rough day cigar.
7 NoahF.
(7 months ago)After a rough day, those draws & exhales just feel that much better.
5 Ptravers410
(7 months ago)I agree 💯💯💯
7 NoahF.
(7 months ago)Nothing better!
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