I’m pretty sure I would’ve never gotten around to trying this cigar if it were not for the advice of some friends on this particular site….😊🤙🏻..!!!! Now, it’s a regular in my humi 💪🏻
I’m pretty sure I would’ve never gotten around to trying this cigar if it were not for the advice of some friends on this particular site….😊🤙🏻..!!!! Now, it’s a regular in my humi 💪🏻
100 TommyH2sT
(11 months ago)Beautiful burn I just ordered a 5 pack tonight @chipc73 I'm sure ill like it
100 chipc73
(11 months ago)I hope so!
100 chipc73
(11 months ago)Beautiful! One is coming up soon in my rotation. So glad you dig it! 😊
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