I can’t wait to start smoking these La Gloria Cubana you sent me. From what I understand they haven’t been released yet so I’ll let ya know how good they are
I can’t wait to start smoking these La Gloria Cubana you sent me. From what I understand they haven’t been released yet so I’ll let ya know how good they are
(23 months ago)I did one review of the bolivar cofradia but I wasn't sent one of those.
3 Jamessmoke
(23 months ago)The nit 3 was really good. The final 1/3 was awesome.
5 Max_in_CT
(23 months ago)Ugh, mine still have not arrived.
5 Max_in_CT
(23 months ago)Go figure, an hour after I posted the sticks arrived! Lolol
9 John12377
(23 months ago)Lucky Guy!
5 KevinB712
(23 months ago)**I’m still waiting for mine to come in but can’t wait! **
7 Sir Jhonson
(23 months ago)Just got mine yesterday. I`m going to try the NIT-3 tonight.
100 Tomygun
(23 months ago)That one so far is my favorite. It has a sweet smell, leather and wood notes, very smooth
100 Tomygun
(23 months ago)Oh and cocoa 😂😂
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