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Southern Draw Cedrus

Smoked: Southern Draw Cedrus

We’ve reviewed the Southern Draw Rose of Sharon, Jacob’s Ladder Brimstone, Kudzu and Firethorn. A Southern Draw Cedrus lancero has been aging in the humidor for 6 weeks now. Hopefully, enough time to have it torch to foot ready. Let’s add it to the SD lineup.

Spice, heavy pepper, charred wood – not like the Kudzu or Firethorn, this is charred wood, harsh, bitter. Some leather and floral notes sneak in along with a few puffs of something that reminds me of Beeman’s gum – clove perhaps? But they are drowned out by the overwhelming wood and pepper along with the other spice notes.

Construction: the cigar never went out, but it require numerous touchups to keep it lit and even out a burn line that was a tad askew – a problem I often find with lanceros. Good cool draw and a fair volume of smoke. There were no cracks, tears, unraveling with the wrapper despite the touchups to even out the burn. All in all, pretty construction for a lancero.

The Southern Draw Cedrus is a medium bodied, medium strength cigar that offers a few nice flavors. However, there are virtually no transitions. A few different notes drift in, but it is overhwlemingly pepper and charred wood. Start to finish what you taste in the first few minutes is what you get to the final draw.

I was not impressed by this cigar compared to the SD Rose of Sharon, Jacob’s Ladder and Kudzu. Still looking for a 300 Hands maduro. Fingers crossed. I have better results with that Southern Draw stick.

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