4 Months or so ago… (Holy Abraham Lincoln flashback).. I enjoyed this smoke for the first time. I have heard quite a lot about them, and while it was a good stick,(lMO), nothing about it did cartwheels and said hey, look at me. After a good nap thought I’d give another shot..and I got the same impressions I got previously, Tons of woody smoke,Cedar and Oak, Leather, Smooth and satisfying, Pleasant… Good, I just want to smoke and not think stick”. This cigar does not do much, however, what it does it does well !!!!!!
100 chipc73
(14 months ago)"Pleasant… Good, I just want to smoke and not think stick'. This cigar does not do much, however, what it does it does well !!!!!!"
I know exactly what you mean, shortstackz. Like, yesterday, I smoked a Nub Cameroon. Same category as what you describe.
100 TommyH2sT
(14 months ago)Gotta try it
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