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Question 🤔

Smoked: Southern Draw Manzanita

So, last Saturday night at the cul-de-sac cigar swap, the age old question was presented… We’re supposed to have an answer this Saturday night too, what for me, is an impossible question to answer. I’ve been pondering it all week. So, you’re stuck on a desert island with an infinite supply of torch lighters and cigars. However, there could only be one cigar.😩. What would you choose??? Through the process of elimination, after almost a week, I have it narrowed down to about 25 different sticks… Like I said, an impossible question to answer???

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    (7 months ago)

    After careful consideration, I believe I’m going to go with the Don Carlos fire of the gods, and for me, what it came down to was the state of mind that particular stick me puts me in when I fire one up. It’s like total euphoria. I go numb and for the next 90 or so minutes nothing else matters ! Every care or concern I’ve had goes away.There’s easily a dozen smokes that I could slide into this realm. But that’s my winner.

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      (7 months ago)

      Excellent. Now I DEFINITELY need to try that one! :D

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    (7 months ago)

    Oh man... that IS a tough question. Out of maybe 5 cigars I consider to be my top favorites, I would say that the Rocky Patel Sun Grown robusto would be my choice. Surprised? LOL

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    (7 months ago)

    I also have a Davidoff on the short list.. The Colorado Claro 👍

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      (7 months ago)

      Please let us know what's your final choice. :)

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    (7 months ago)

    For me it's the Davidoff Winston Churchill

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      (7 months ago)

      I would not have expected you to say that one, brother. Very interesting!

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    (7 months ago)

    Damn that's a great question I hadn't a clue of what I'd pick toooooo many options