Does anyone out there know of any serious cigar smoker(let's say smokes a cigar 4 or more days a week) who has come down with Covid? There is research that says nicotine users are less likely to get it or at least not as severe(google nicotine covid).Before Covid I smoked 4-5 days a week, since Covid I smoke at least one cigar a day and some days two. I have had 2 employees come down with it, my SO came down with it and I know I was exposed, and my golf club was considered ground zero in my community. Stay safe and enjoy your cigars. I haven't seen any research on rum or scotch but I tend to think that adds to the protection.
21 YeshKai
(4 years ago)I’m one of them individuals who got Covid-19 and am a smoker (CIGARS ONLY) of that and more a week brother so the misunderstanding of a cigar smoker Not getting COVID is not accurate or TRUE! Living testimony of that
2 Deemack23
(4 years ago)Me and a buddy of mine both smoke 6-8 cigars a week and both of us have had it. I had it about three months ago and my buddy is in quarantine now.
28 Howbucks
(4 years ago)Military (unpublished) medical findings have discovered those that use nicotine have shown fewer cases of COVID than non-smokers. They're not positive why there might be a correlation but it's definitely being noted. Something to ponder.
100 Goomba
(4 years ago)I think there is something to it
3 Smok'em
(4 years ago)Whether nicotine protects or not, I highly doubt that a "serious cigar smoker" is protected from getting COVID. Although I like the concept of cigars and alcohol as preventative medicine.
1 Cigarboss308
(4 years ago)I know If one, my brother and I both Smoke on average five cigars a day and he contracted covid last month.
100 Goomba
(4 years ago)I hope he fully recovered
2 Rider247
(4 years ago)Thats interesting, l’m going to google.
2 Wolfie
(4 years ago)**No **
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