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Quad State Herf & Cigar B Que 16 - Status Only

Good morning everyone and happy Sunday. I know it's been a while with COVID and all, but I wanted to update you on the current status of "Quad State Herf & Cigar B Que 16". We have Lake Frederick reserved for the weekend of 13-14 August with the fundraiser tentatively scheduled for the 14th. Hopefully by then, the COVID vaccines will be lowering the numbers dramatically and GOV Cuomo allows outdoor events like ours. We have started to talk to sponsors and all the folks that help out to make this a great annual event.

This is not a sign up post, it is just to let you all know that things are in the works. Pencil it in on your calendars and we'll keep you updated as things progress. Do not send any money at this time please.

If you are on Facebook, we'll be updating the status there as well:

Lastly, enjoy your Valentine's Day with your sweetheart and stay warm....... 👍 ❤️🇺🇸

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  • Member Avatar og
    (4 years ago)

    Good luck on that Charlie, probably will not make this one. Take care.

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      (4 years ago)

      Thank you brother, hope all is well...... 🤓