Just off a flight home from London, enjoying a San Lutano Oval. A superbly smooth medium body cigar that I could smoke with coffee or an after dinner neat bourbon.
Just off a flight home from London, enjoying a San Lutano Oval. A superbly smooth medium body cigar that I could smoke with coffee or an after dinner neat bourbon.
100 chipc73
(17 months ago)Nice! While in London, did you visit Davidoff of London? I would so like to do that!
9 PoloPlyr
(17 months ago)I did not...but would like to as well. Pretty pricy I suspect!
100 chipc73
(17 months ago)And I suspect you're right, PoloPlyr. Regardless of price, though, I'd buy at least one cigar there just to have the honor of meeting one or both of my "cigar hero's," Edward or Eddie Sahakian. :) Cheers, brother!
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