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One Fish Two Fish Red Dot Blue Fish

Ok, class is in session.

I had an interesting experience that I’d your take on. (anyone who wants to respond)

7+ months ago I purchased 2 Cohiba Red Dot Robusto.

I smoked the first one about a month after getting them. It was epic; one of the best cigars I had to-date and worthy of accolades galore.

The second one I just finished and was left … unsatisfied. It wasn’t a bad cigar but it was nowhere near as good as I remember.

1st Question

So do you think it is a case of my palate/tastes changing? Or do you think the cigars just tasted different? Or both?

2nd Question

What is your experience with the Red Dot? Great/Good/Ok/Meh

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    (4 months ago)

    For the price there are better cigars out there.

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    (4 months ago)

    I highly doubt that your palate could have so drastically changed in a such a relatively short time. Handmade cigars' flavors -- same brand, same line, same vitola -- can vary (sometimes quite noticeably) from cigar to cigar. I usually smoke 3 of the same cigar when trying out a new one to better ascertain its qualities.

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    (4 months ago)

    Smoked one a couple of weeks ago. Good cigar. Prices vary wildly from site to site, day to day.