My “go to” smoke. That is one smoke that is always in my humidor.
Bear On The Air
(5 months ago)
That WAS always in my humidor until about 5 years ago. I always enjoyed the Punch Rare Corojo, but for some reason have not smoked one in many years. Need to track one down, clip and fire it up. My recollection is that the Rare Corojo and Gran Puro were two very good Punch series.
100 Goomba
(5 months ago)My “go to” smoke. That is one smoke that is always in my humidor.
100 Bear On The Air
(5 months ago)That WAS always in my humidor until about 5 years ago. I always enjoyed the Punch Rare Corojo, but for some reason have not smoked one in many years. Need to track one down, clip and fire it up. My recollection is that the Rare Corojo and Gran Puro were two very good Punch series.
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