This would be some kind of fantastic novel if I could just make it past the first chapter ! Extremely flavorful… Ultra complex…My personal LFD favorite!
This would be some kind of fantastic novel if I could just make it past the first chapter ! Extremely flavorful… Ultra complex…My personal LFD favorite!
100 shortstackz
(9 months ago)it is. It’s they say squeeze it until it opens up. But I find the draw isn’t quite right so I chop it’s head off.😂
100 chipc73
(9 months ago)Thanks. Well, Brother, ya gotta do what'cha gotta do! I definitely want to try a Chisel. I'm sure you've read/heard about how Litto came up with the concept.
100 chipc73
(9 months ago)LOVE LFD! Is that a "Chisel" vitola? I've never tried one. I have a LFD L 400 Ligero and a LFD Double Ligero (forget the vitola) patiently waiting in my humidor. The L 400 Ligero is FABULOUS!
100 TommyH2sT
(9 months ago)Just ordered a 5 pack of these beauties... Wow thanks for the review
100 TommyH2sT
(9 months ago)That wrapper wow. Chocolate bar 😍
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