Been so busy with my humidor build. I can only do a little at a time but here is where I am as of today! Doing this with all of my injuries and with the use of only my right hand has made this a project that would have taken a week become 2 months...and I'm still not even close to being done. The picture is a montage of where I am as of today. The last one is to see if I bought enough lights. It's 35x28 on the outside, made with African Mahogany and Purpleheart. The inside will be lined with Spanish Cedar. I'll post more pictures as more gets done. I have about 1500 cigars and I'm tired of taking care of 12 humidors and 10 plastic jars!
3 Roc
(23 months ago)Very nice. Amazing work looking at the pictures!
39 JonDoe294
(23 months ago)Nice
9 Gener
(23 months ago)Looking great!
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