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Good morning post 3.0

Good morning all, the coffee has been on since 0420 and it's already "Hump Day". I see that the NY Rangers dropped another one last night, lets go fellas and turn things around. They play tomorrow evening again, hopefully they can figure out a way to win one for a change. Anyway, enjoy everyone and remember to be safe out there.......๐Ÿค“

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    (5 years ago)

    Happy Friday!!

    Charlie, I totally understand not knowing what day of the week it is. I think if I didn't have a calendar to look at every morning, I'd lose track.

    I have a virtual party tomorrow afternoon to look forward to, so that's something. And our household is still healthy and employed. That's something bigger.

    Take care and be safe!

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    (5 years ago)

    Good morning everyone, the coffee is on and it's Friday (for what it's worth). Be safe Grace and take care of your self. Yesterday, Beth came into our computer room that I have converted into my current office and asked me what day it was. This is getting real to a lot of folks that we're in this for the long haul and until they find a cure, this is the new norm. I don't mind working 7 days a week to help protect the West Point community, I just hope that one day we look back at this and tell ourselves it was all worth it. Take a break when you can, enjoy a cigar or two and relax....... ๐Ÿป

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    (5 years ago)

    Lol Charlie!

    Didn't realize you were in quarantine. Hang in there!

    Good morning and happy Friday eve. Quiet work from home day for me. I ordered some supplies via Walmart and Amazon, so I can avoid going out for those things and just have to visit the grocery store.

    Making the adjustments....

    Hope all are well.

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    (5 years ago)

    Good morning all all, the coffee is on and it's Thursday. All is good here in the Baranyai household, only 3 more days of quarantine as a result of contact with a positive COVID-19 victim. One of our supervisors in the EOC came in 11 days ago and was not feeling well, got tested and came back positive. He and his family are doing good but the EOC is working virtual and utilizing a program called WebEOC. All meetings are held on MS Teams and we've been teleworking via VPN. The President extended the stay at home through the end of April to help stop the spread of this virus. I have to put a little smile on things, so here's a little funny for you to laugh at. Enjoy...... ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    Hi my friends!

    Just be careful because people are going crazy from being in lock down! Actually I've just been talking about this with the microwave and toaster while drinking tea and all of us agreed that things are getting bad. I didn't mention anything to the washing machine as she puts a different spin on everything and certainly not to the fridge as he is acting cold and distant. In the end the iron calmed me down as she said everything will be fine no situation is too pressing.

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    (5 years ago)

    Good morning and happy hump day, ward mates.

    Stay safe, Charlie!

    I'm in the office again this morning, but leaving shortly. The county has given us placards for our windshields and letters to carry indicating we are essential workers. I can't imagine getting pulled over for being out, but who knows what might happen.

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    (5 years ago)

    Good morning everyone, the coffee has been on since 0415 and it's "Hump Day". Normally that would mean that the week is half over, but we've been working 7 days a week now for a while. Hopefully all of these smart scientist put their heads together and find a cure for this COVID-19 virus and it ends soon. Take care and remember to your 6' social distancing....... ๐Ÿ‘

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    (5 years ago)

    Good morning and welcome to Monday, Ward B.

    I'm adjusting to this "new normal". I got up at 4:30 and went to the office and was again home around 8:00, working remotely until my next office visit.

    Enjoy the day everyone!

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    (5 years ago)

    Good morning all, the coffee is on as always and it's looking like we'll have another rainy day here in the Hudson Valley. According to NOAA, after tomorrow we should have a few sunny days in a row:

    Try and enjoy your week everyone, smoke a favorite or two and remember that this all will pass eventually.......๐Ÿค“

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    (5 years ago)

    Welcome to the weekend!! I still like the weekends, although with working remotely most of the week, it doesn't feel quite the same. lol

    Have a good one!

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    (5 years ago)

    nullGood morning & happy Saturday!

    For laughs & giggles this morning, I searched for โ€œSaturday Morning Cartoonsโ€ in YouTube... and found a ton! My wife thinks Iโ€™m nuts!

    Just need some kind of sugar-coated cereal to complete my morning as I watch good old fashioned cartoons!

    • Member Avatar og
      (5 years ago)

      Not last week, but the week before, I was on Staycation/gearing up for "stay at home" orders and hubby and I watched all of his Speed Racer cartoons!

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    (5 years ago)

    Good morning everyone, the coffee has been on for a while now and it's Saturday. As they say in every teleconference I'm on, one day at a time and we'll get through this. Stay safe everyone and I'll talk with you tomorrow...... ๐Ÿ™‚

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      (5 years ago)

      Excellent point, Charlie! This too shall pass.

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    (5 years ago)

    Good morning friends! Finally found this thread again... had to scroll to 2nd page, even though there are March 27th new entries.

    Today started out gorgeous! Took our puppy out for a walk with a cigar, did a few fix-it jobs around the house. Now helping MIL delete her FB data & account - too many weirdos!!


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    (5 years ago)

    Good morning and happy Friday.

    Every day I wake up and am healthy and the world hasn't fallen apart, I'm grateful. That may be a bit dramatic, but I AM grateful.

    The new normal for me is about 70% working remotely and 30% in the office. That adjustment hasn't been hard, but boy do I miss the privilege of eating out.

    And I need hair cut.....hubby may have to help me out, much to his dismay. lol

    Be well and safe, Ward mates.

    • Member Avatar og
      (5 years ago)

      I hear the 1970โ€™s Flow-be hair cutting gizmo is making a comeback with COVID lockdowns. LOL

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    (5 years ago)

    Good morning all, the coffee is on as always and it's another day. Usually on Thursday's, we head over to Hudson Valley Cigars / Schlesinger's Cigar Bar after work but we know that isn't happening. It looks like rain is headed our way tomorrow, so I might sit out back after work and enjoy a favorite or two or........ ๐Ÿค“

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    (5 years ago)

    Good morning everyone, the coffee is on and it's "Hump Day". About to head over the mountain to West Point, we are doing a venison roast in the crockpot for the shift on today. There's about 18 of us on shift at a time, we are practicing social distancing and sanitize our work space on a regularly scheduled time. This is the new norm for a while, folks are getting use to it. Smoke a favorite if you get a chance and all....... ๐Ÿป

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      (5 years ago)

      Awesome that youโ€™re taking care of your shift workers!

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    (5 years ago)

    Good morning ward mates.

    I'm trying to get back into some semblance of normal activities to start my day, so I'm checking in.

    Thanks for posting, Charlie!

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    (5 years ago)

    Good morning all, the coffee has been on since 0345 (new hours as I have report to the EOC at 0600 starting today) and it's Tuesday. States are locking down a lot of businesses to prevent the spread of COVID-19, hopefully this works and we get back to normalcy in the near future. Take care everyone and I'll be back tomorrow....... ๐Ÿ‘

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    (5 years ago)

    Good morning all, the coffee is on and about to head in for another 12+ hour shift at the Emergency Operations Center. Be safe and keep an eye on your neighbor....... ๐Ÿ‘

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    (5 years ago)

    Good morning everyone, the coffee is on as always and it's Friday (I think). After today's shift at West Point, I'm planning on sitting out back and enjoying a cigar this evening a the weather looks great for this evening. Sorry I can't invite some of my local S/BOTL over as we are enforcing social distancing till they get a handle on this pandemic. Enjoy all and be safe....... ๐Ÿค“

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    (5 years ago)

    Good morning all, the coffee has been on for a while and it's time to go back to West Point for another 12+ hour shift. Take prevention's now when you can as Italy alone have roughly 400 deaths a day. That's not to scare you, it's merely the truth. I'll be back in the morning....... ๐Ÿ‘

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    (5 years ago)

    Good morning everyone, the coffee is on and all. This is where I'd say "Happy Hump Day", but with 12 hour shifts 7 days a week, there is no Hump Day for now. Enjoy and stay healthy all....... ๐Ÿ‘

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    (5 years ago)

    Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's off to West Point shortly. This will be short, stay vigilant and keep an eye on your neighbor....... ๐Ÿ‘

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    (5 years ago)

    Good Monday morning, Ward B.

    The sun is shining and it's day 4 of my staycation. We canceled international travel and are having a work around the house vaca--tree trimming, spring cleaning, yard work. No cigars, though! I have to remedy that.

    Hope everyone is well.

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    (5 years ago)

    Good morning everyone, the coffee is on and we're getting ready for the next 12 hours. I might sneak out for a few minutes today and smoke a short one as I haven't had a cigar since Thursday evening. After a 12 hour shift, all I want to do is sit back and enjoy a couple of beers and get ready for the next day. Remember to stay healthy and all....... ๐Ÿ‘

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    (5 years ago)

    Good morning all, the coffee is on and it's Sunday. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, We're on 12 hour shifts here at West Point with the Emergency Operation Center in full operation 7 days a week. West Point still has a large number of Cadets, Cadre/Instructors and family members overseas waiting to come back to the U.S. to be tested and quarantined. As everyone knows, all large events have been cancelled/postponed to include Cigarfest up in the Poconos. I'm sure we'll get through all of this but it will take time. Keep an eye on your neighbors and try and shop local to help the small business community. I'll be off to work shortly and check back in tomorrow morning....... ๐Ÿ‘

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