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Friday night smoke…

Smoked: Caldwell Eastern Standard Sungrown

Great start to the weekend. A flavorful cigar , cooler weather 👍🏻 Hope y’all have a good one !

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    (3 months ago)

    Yes the green band. I could only find them in a 5 x 46 on Cigar Page.

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    (3 months ago)

    Caldwell Eastern Standard is a righteous smoke! I'm a big fan of Caldwell, including many of the Lost & Founds. Malditos Bastardos is my favorite L&F.

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      (3 months ago)

      I just scored some of those pepper cream sodas… haven’t even received them yet, but I cannot wait!

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      (3 months ago)

      shortstackz. did you order the green band? I believe those are the originals. A year ago, you could still score a 5 pack for under $30. Now they're really hard to find. The only site I could find them on wanted $25 a stick. Ouch! Enjoy the Pepper Cream Sodas. And tell me if they don't taste like pepper, seltzer, crackers and cream soda - or some combination of some of those flavors. Interesting Caldwell find.

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      (3 months ago)

      Thanks for the tip. I found the green band Pepper Cream Sodas on Cigar Page. A little more expensive now (isn't everything) but a reasonable price for a 5 pack.