Enjoy it. When people ask me when I'm going to retire I always say " I hate to think how fat I would get and rough it would be on my liver." Have a great retirement.
(3 years ago)
Congratulations! Now, do what you enjoy.
(3 years ago)
Plan on doing so.
(3 years ago)
Congratulations on the retirement friend, I hope you have a great time! I retired years ago and it has been nothing but enjoyment!... Good luck!
4 snack
(3 years ago)The first day of the rest of your life.....ENJOY!
Cigar World
(3 years ago)Congrats!
100 Goomba
(3 years ago)Enjoy it. When people ask me when I'm going to retire I always say " I hate to think how fat I would get and rough it would be on my liver." Have a great retirement.
28 Howbucks
(3 years ago)Congratulations! Now, do what you enjoy.
7 Thedon94
(3 years ago)Plan on doing so.
68 Mojoboogie
(3 years ago)Congratulations on the retirement friend, I hope you have a great time! I retired years ago and it has been nothing but enjoyment!... Good luck!
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