New boy grandchild arriving soon. Son was in Spain and I asked that he pick up Cuban smokes in the $100 range. He came back with these. Has anyone smoked?
Thanks and best.
New boy grandchild arriving soon. Son was in Spain and I asked that he pick up Cuban smokes in the $100 range. He came back with these. Has anyone smoked?
Thanks and best.
100 Big Paulie
(2 years ago)There one of the only brand made outside habana. Not a bad smoke good afternoon stick! And congratulations sir!
4 Jere Mac
(2 years ago)Thank you, sir.
100 Tomygun
(2 years ago)No sir but post how they are
4 Jere Mac
(2 years ago)I’m a newbie to this and don’t think my opinion has gained footing. Having said that, I really enjoyed the cigar. I have only smoked a handful of authentic Cuban cigars. In the past, I have ordered from the Rodrigues Cigar family in Key West.
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