Smoking the CAO BX3. I loved the first ones I had. Now the second batch I purchased are not that great. I hear that’s one of the problems with CAO….the inconsistency.
Smoking the CAO BX3. I loved the first ones I had. Now the second batch I purchased are not that great. I hear that’s one of the problems with CAO….the inconsistency.
100 chipc73
(12 months ago)That's too bad that you were dissatisfied with the BX3, brother. I tried one some time ago, and I was not impressed. At all. The best part of the disappointing experience was that I determined that Brazilian tobacco ain't for me. Yuck. 🤢
100 shortstackz
(12 months ago)The Fathead Carb 660 does it for me! Super consistent, always reliable… I like that MX2.. i’ve had some issues in the past with that smoke as far as construction and draw.
100 Frankie Cigars
(12 months ago)Same here with the MX2. The draw was horrible.
100 TommyH2sT
(12 months ago)Love this Brazilian smoke
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