Interesting phenomenon happening when I’m enjoying a cigar outside (the only place I smoke). We have a number of Swallowtail butterflies around. Whenever I’m smoking a cigar they are all around me, practically dive bombing me. Several times I had to prevent them from landing on my cigar, the burning end. Anyone else have this happen?
100 shortstackz
(21 months ago)I have not had the butterfly experience. However, every time I kick back with a cut and a light my neighbors seem to appear out of nowhere and say hey, do you have another one of those?
4 Moratorian
(21 months ago)My neighbour likes the smell of my cigars (as does my wife) and comes over but thankfully never asks for one.
100 chipc73
(21 months ago)I can't say that I have, Moratorian, but if that were to happen, my wife would be delighted. She really appreciates beautiful butterflies. I do, too.
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