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A Thread is Never Done (Part 3) Edited

…from the bowels of the deepest reaches of the basement of Ward B, a passel of software engineers was discovered who came together with CG to create…

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  • Member Avatar og
    (5 years ago)

    and only then, Chef Ralph will make up a fresh batch of pancakes with his world famous.......

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    (5 years ago)

    that the code was correct and the "Thread that never ends" might be retrieved from "Bizarro World" and order be restored. But then....

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    (5 years ago)

    ...slinging code and hacking the bits until Nayslayer was satisfied that...

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    (5 years ago)

    Ver. 3.0 of Ward B. However the good nurse found them and administered

    a dose of green Jello with a Champipple chaser. Needless to say they then ....

  • Member Avatar og
    (5 years ago)

    ...told me that I have NO IDEA what *I am doing *here as I missed this thread being posted already and started one just like it today...which I'll go try and delete right after this...duh! In the meantime, be sure and...

  • Member Avatar og
    (5 years ago)

    ...that the order of the posts that make up this crazy story must be using random star-dates from another dimension to sequence them; upon that realization Nurse Maduro gathered up the deveopers and...

  • Member Avatar og
    (5 years ago)

    ...figure out what to smoke tonight. Decided to harass RGR1-75 (aka now Ranger), so sitting on his deck now discussing this new fangled website thingy... and decided...

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    (5 years ago)

    realized that the green jello looked new and up to date. At that point, out came the straight jackets (I mean the smokin' jackets) to calm things down and figure out what.......

    • Member Avatar og
      (5 years ago)

      ...our famous NY chef was cooking in the mess hall; the aroma was awesome and someone yelled “ramps are on the menu” but what happened next was...

  • Member Avatar og
    (5 years ago)

    ... a new look to the old hangouts where our Deputy Mayor was seen running through the halls in the famous "red thong" until Nurse Maduro...

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      (5 years ago)

      said "I have some accessories to match those, why don't you ...