Who ever said Gas stations don't have premium cigars? ... Well here is one of the 3 they do have. I know I posted about these before but here's the one I keep grabbing when I see them... Clásico with the Sumatra wrapper. One of my favorite wrapper varietals.

100 Bear On The Air
(12 months ago)Punch Elites and London Clubs are in my everyday go-to rotation.
100 TommyH2sT
(12 months ago)Broooo I literally just ordered some elites and london clubs to replace the Robustos . Great minds think alike. Damn...
100 shortstackz
(12 months ago)Yes sir!! Enjoyed one yesterday.
100 TommyH2sT
(12 months ago)100 TommyH2sT
(12 months ago)Haha! JK my buddy stacks! I need your email address bro.
100 chipc73
(12 months ago)Mmmmmm... Sumatra...
100 TommyH2sT
(12 months ago)100 TommyH2sT
(12 months ago)Hahaha yooo @chipc73 I had no idea we could use gifs on here. You guys are in trouble hahahaha! Much respect brother
100 chipc73
(12 months ago)Oh oh. LOL
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