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The Lounge

Anything goes.

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Found this at a garage sale for a buck

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While you have some down time consider donating to Cigars for Warriors.

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The Lounge

We breakfasted on waffles this morning.

I'm starting with a Partagas Naturale and Newman's Own coffee

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I’m trying to stay occupied with the lack of sports. I hope everyone is coping with well out there. Stay safe.

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The Lounge

I had my Saturday afternoon martini with 4 queen olives and some cheese and crackers now camping out in the den just watching TV

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Also the bald man looks strikingly like Walter White/Mike

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Catchy title eh?

Many of us may be confined to home with kids or taking care of someone. Others, like myself, are confined to working from home for the next 2

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My cigars are pretty, pretty good. Make sure to share your reviews in the reviews section. null

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I like the new modern design but it took a while to find everything. When I got my new login setup all I could find was branded cigar groups -

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Really need a “back” button.

I can’t even use my iPhone’s backpage function - it’s either blocked or not enabled.

Forcing us to start over at the “top” of whatever stack of

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This coronavirus got me like. I need a cigar to relax with.


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La Gloria Cubana lighter designed in the streamline moderne style.

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Found in a friend's basement. Don't know the age, but churchills for only 50c.

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Cigar time

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Beat up (like me) cigar box.

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Looks like I was able to break on through to the other side! I made it?

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Another sign of getting old. I don't recall where I got this ashtray, but it must have been a give away years ago.

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I added this as a comment on another post, but I don't feel that it will ever been seen by those at the top of this site. So, I'll make

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In re: to @cubfan1908 - Check this out… I created a mobile shortcut, which basically adds a native or bookmark to your mobile homepage. Here's how I did it on

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Do you guys know if an app will be available for Cigar World? That would be a great new function.

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It looks like I had to go in and completely redo my registration. I'm starting from scratch now.

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Looks like I got in. Will try to figure out how to navigate.

Thanks Ms. V and Mark for the upgrade.

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I posted new Secret Easter Bunny in Ward B Group. (

Come join in!

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Before I could post this Quad State Herf here on Cigar Pass, the event SOLD OUT ALREADY! Well, that didn't take long, the event "Sold Out" in less that 2

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Whoa....half way there...

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