Just nubbed this…Humi time: 4 weeks. I’m going to try my best to do a mini review here because I’m not really that good at them. I know what I like. And I know what I don’t. This stick, however, captivated me. 1st 3rd.. A roasted espresso with some black licorice piled on top. Cedar and earth.. 2nd 3rd… espresso morphs into a creamy coffee, sweetness develops in the form of sugar, coated, lemon citrus. This note gets stronger until the nub…final 3rd.. flavor bomb💣!!! Everything comes together like those final bites of Thanksgiving dinner…Smooth, creamy, delicious!!! Instant classic!!’
100 chipc73
(14 months ago)Looks and sounds tasty. Nice review!
100 TommyH2sT
(14 months ago)Looks fantastic! A must try for me, I've heard about them around the shop. Hopefully they get them in soon. Great review stacks, thank you! Cheers brother
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