Happy New Year! Had to start 2023 off with a couple of bangers! My buddy just came back from the Philippines and brought some amazing rum back for me. Don Papa Masskara. Now, I love smoking rum with cigars (I know that's backwards but it's too funny to correct!), honestly it's my first dram. Never really thought of the Philippines as a rum producer, but when you look back at their colonization by the Spaniards, from 1592-1898, it only makes sense that there would be some heavy influence in rum making. They have volcanic tropical climate/soil perfect for growing sugar cane, plus there is an exotic citrus/fruit blending that includes indigenous spicy peppers as well.
Room 101 cigars have been a favorite of mine and honestly I cannot remember having one that I haven't enjoyed. I always end up purchasing more for the humidor. The Big Payback is no exception, it is firmly rolled with a draw that doesn't require much effort. This is just the second time around for the Big Payback and I'm so happy it's back and easy to find. A CT broadleaf wrapper, with a dull-sheen and smooth lines. It's a medium-full bodied cigar with emphasis on the cocoa and spice, which really pops in contrast to the sweet rum with spicy finish due to the sailing labuyo (an upside down growing pepper). An actual perfect pairing if you ask me.
The rum is Butterscotch (candied citrus) and Honey, like a grandma gave you a warm butterscotch from her pocket and then kicked you in the mouth after you tasted it! Now that's grandma's Big Payback! Cheers!

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