Is there a way to see all the CAO cigar reviews and/or posts/comments on CW from this Group? I was expecting a preset dynamic site search button/link in this Group so subscribers could quickly find everything CAO. Plus our own reviews & comments to be posted here, too. Tie it all together here for this brand.
Related, when posting in say, Today’s Smokes Group, how can we cross-link & share a related Review or News from those CW Groups about the cigar we’re smoking?

3 Shannon
(5 years ago)Whats your favorite?
3 Deputy Mayor of CW
(5 years ago)LOL I'm kinda CAO fanboy... I actually love most of CAO's cigars!!! Consigliere (Sopranos), Brazilia & its siblings, Italia, La Traviata, America, Honor,... and Ricky has me trying the Session & Flatheads now, too. CAO is the brand I legit smoke the most.
8 Moose
(5 years ago)The groups is specifically for conversations about whatever you would like to discuss (think link FB Groups).
To see reviews for a product - you can simply go to that products page and there is a tab to see the most recent reviews. Also anyone you follow who either is 'Now Smoking' or 'Reviews' a cigar will show in your feed.
Anyways whats your favorite CAO? Maybe you can review one for us
3 Deputy Mayor of CW
(5 years ago)I actually love a lot of CAO's cigars!!! Consigliere (Sopranos), Brazilia & its siblings, Italia, La Traviata, America, Honor,... and Ricky has me trying the Session & Flatheads now, too. CAO is the brand I legit smoke the most.
Re where to look for these articles, yes I know. But I'm looking to see if there are ways (or plans) so that we can see and share more about the brands within and across the site. As I noted, within this CAO Group, I thought I would be able to see here ALL the CAO-related information, convenient and all in one place, as a kind of central hub of interconnectivity of CAO articles from across the site. Maybe even a link to CAO's own main page ( for even more data, too.
8 jamoose
(5 years ago)Hey "Mayor" you can see all the CAO products here.
You can also click into the product listing and see recent reviews, articles, videos and more. Take a look.
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