Fig newton cold draw
Damp oakiness and fresh top soil
Nose of Herbs and a breeze of white pepper
Sweet caramel on the tounge with some molasses mingling with a lightly sweetened zucchini bread
Effortless draw and beautiful smoke
Fig newton cold draw
Damp oakiness and fresh top soil
Nose of Herbs and a breeze of white pepper
Sweet caramel on the tounge with some molasses mingling with a lightly sweetened zucchini bread
Effortless draw and beautiful smoke
8 Rebel Chef Jay
(23 months ago)They really are an incredible cigar
(23 months ago)CAO has done it again. Great 💨 I truly enjoy this cigar!
8 Rebel Chef Jay
(23 months ago)I completely agree!
14 Steadfast
(23 months ago)Yes, I got mine and they are amazing!!
14 Steadfast
(24 months ago)My box will be here tomorrow, I can't wait!!
8 Rebel Chef Jay
(23 months ago)Man they are beyond good! Hope you got your box safely and enjoy!
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