The Most Popular Cigars
The most popular cigars in the industry
What makes a cigar popular? Is it how the cigar brand grows, harvests or cures the tobacco? Is it an approachable price point? Or, is it iconic and attention grabbing marketing? I’m not really sure. Probably a bit of all the above.
What I do know is, we’ve been asked by many of you around what are some of the most popular cigars on the market. So, the whole Cigar World team dug into everything from reviews to sales and put together a comprehensive list of the most popular brands that are producing the most popular cigars.
Acid cigars was founded by Jonathan Drew and Marvin Samuel in 1999 after wrapping their own cigars as a pastime hobby during college. Eventually, they became masters of the craft and over the last twenty years have been producing some of the most impeccably rolled and some of the most popular cigars in the industry. Infused with an array of spices, oils, extracts, and herbs, Acid cigars are massively popular among new cigar smokers and aficionados alike.
Recommended popular cigar from Acid: Kuba Kuba
Arturo Fuente
There’s no question, Arturo Fuente cigars are deemed some of the most consistent hand made cigars in the world, and that’s partly due to the fact that this brand started with Carlos Fuente Sr. and Jr., two of the most masterful cigar makers of all time. Arturo Fuente’s traditional blend of Gran Reserva tobacco produces delicate notes of spice and nuttiness, and that combined with their impeccable quality has led to them continuing to be one of the most popular cigars across the globe.
Recommended popular cigar from Arturo Fuente: Gran Reserva
When it comes to crafting cigars, CAO lives by the motto of "Boundaries are made to be broken." From CAO's Classics and Flavours to the inventive New Age and authentic World lines, CAO offers an impressive, and acclaimed, collection of popular cigars for every taste imaginable.
Recommended popular cigar from CAO: Gold
An expensive ultra-premium cigar finished with a toothy African Cameroon wrapper. The Cohiba line of hand-made cigars are flavorful and smooth from the first draw to the last. Cohiba cigars are synonymous with extravagant taste, and because of their unwavering commitment to quality and craftsmanship, true cigar connoisseurs recognize Cohiba as one of the finest cigar brands a humidor has to offer.
Recommended popular cigar from Cohiba: Red Dot
Davidoff Cigars are to the cigar world as Bentley is to the car industry. There's simply no better recognized brand in the entire world. Of course, many believe these to be the cigars of the rich and famous. But, let me reassure you, they're nothing short of an amazing smoking experience meant for anyone to enjoy any moment of the day. Every cigar they produce is carefully wrapped and beautifully filled with unforgettable flavors that walk the line between spicy and sweet.
Recommended popular cigar from Davidoff: Grand Cru
La Gloria Cubana
When Ernesto Carrillo launched his small cigar business in his El Credito factory, he had no idea it would take off the way it did. Known for its infamous Nicaraguan puros, La Gloria Cubana's famous Serie R Esteli cultivated a large and loyal fanbase, made up of the most knowledgeable smokers. If you want to keep up with the pros, check out this luxurious brand that makes cigars specifically designed for those seeking a little elegance and refinement in their life.
Recommended popular cigar from LGC: Serie R
Macanudo is a premium cigar brand that needs no introduction. The iconic brand has been noted for its quality and consistency, the hallmarks that have earned Macanudo its lofty position as America's best-selling premium cigar. Individually handcrafted, Macanudo offers lines for every taste, from the classics, to Macanudo Inspirado, to their new infused line of M by Macanudo.
Recommended popular cigar from Macanudo: Cafe
From its humble beginnings in Cuba in 1935, Montecristo cigars have quickly become one the world’s most famous Cuban heritage brands, and a symbol of excellence in the world of handmade premium cigars. Employing the most highly skilled cigar blenders and rollers in the world, Montecristo continues to maintain its reputation.
Recommended popular cigar from Montecristo: Classic
The Padron family began making premium cigars in Miami in 1964. Today Padron Cigars are made in their state-of-the-art factory in Nicaragua and have become one of the most popular cigar brands outside of Cuba. These exquisite pieces of art are blended from carefully aged tobaccos to produce cigars that are considered by many well-informed smokers to be the finest in the world. Offering every type of strength, from mild to full strength, Pardon creates every type of cigar, whether you're after something more full-bodied or subtle.
Recommended popular cigar from Padron: Padron Series
Romeo y Julieta
An excellent smooth aromatic cigar with a medium-bodied blend. Slightly sweet with flavors of oak and coffee. If you haven't smoked a Romeo y Julieta cigar recently, we feel you should really make an effort in doing so.
Recommended popular cigar from Romeo y Julieta: Reserve
68 Mojoboogie
(3 years ago)For me the greatest cigar is the Padron 1926 series Maduro...
100 CigarBoss007
(3 years ago)Hard to beat a CAO for the $$. The consigliere is amongst my favorites.
100 Goomba
(3 years ago)With the exception of the Acid, I have all of those brands in my humidor. Each one is the best cigar at that particular time that I am smoking it!
100 CigarBoss007
(3 years ago)Same here, with one Acid (think it was the Kuba Kuba?) They aren't bad every now and then...and come in handy when cigar beginners are over. Just keep them segregated from your other cigars
2 Nina
(3 years ago)I'm savoring a delicious PADRON 3000 MADURO with a piping hot cup of Uban coffee! Together they make the utmost enticing aroma there is! You got to try it for yourself to know what I'm enjoying! You can't beat smoking any one of the PADRON CIGARS!!
2 Hutchmonkey
(3 years ago)My favorite of the list is the La Gloria Cubana. It has deep, rich and full flavor notes.
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