Our Favorite Fall Cigar Events
The arrival of fall not only brings about a breathtaking display of nature's colors but also signals the start of a season filled with exciting cigar events that aficionados eagerly anticipate. From the heart of Tampa to the vibrant streets of Las Vegas, the fall season offers a plethora of opportunities to immerse yourself in the world of cigars. Here are our top picks for fall cigar events you won't want to miss:
CigarFest by Cigars International (Multiple Locations)
Dates: October 12-15 (Texas), October 19-22 (Florida)
Cigars International has made October the month of cigar celebration with multiple CigarFest events. These gatherings take place at their superstore locations in Texas and Florida. Whether you're in the Southwest or Sunshine State, you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of premium cigars. These events feature a wide selection of cigars, special deals, and a chance to meet fellow aficionados.
The Big Smoke (Las Vegas)
Dates: November 3-4
If you're looking for an unforgettable cigar experience, The Big Smoke in Las Vegas is a must-attend event. This two-day extravaganza offers cigar enthusiasts the chance to sample some of the finest cigars, sip on top-shelf spirits, and rub shoulders with industry experts. Las Vegas provides the perfect backdrop for this larger-than-life cigar celebration.
Ybor City Cigar Heritage Festival (Tampa, Florida)
Date: December 3, 2023
For those who enjoy a rich and storied culture surrounding cigars, the Ybor City Cigar Heritage Festival is a fantastic choice. Taking place in the historic Ybor City district of Tampa, Florida, this annual festival celebrates the city's cigar-making history. You can expect live music, delicious food, and, of course, an extensive selection of cigars to enjoy.
Punch Cigar’s Tailgate Like a Pro Series
You may have seen this last blog, but it’s important to mention it again! Punch Cigar’s Tailgate Like a Pro Series are events that combines the excitement of sports with the camaraderie of beer and cigars. You can expect a lively atmosphere, great beer, and plenty of games to keep you entertained. It's the perfect way to spend a fall afternoon with friends and fellow fans while lighting up one of your favorites.
We also want to give a special mention to the WhiskyX and TequilaX events. These gatherings are close to our hearts as we are involved in organizing them. While there is only one final Whiskyx date in Vegas on October 28th, we want to let you know that they will be returning in 2024. Be sure to mark your calendars and keep an eye out for announcements about these exciting whisky and tequila experiences next year!
As the fall season unfolds, take advantage of these fantastic cigar events to expand your palate, connect with fellow enthusiasts, and create lasting memories. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or new to the world of cigars, these events offer something for everyone. So, pack your favorite cigar accessories and get ready to enjoy the cool autumn breeze with a fine cigar in hand at one of these fabulous gatherings.
Previous Article: Our Top 5 Fall Beer Festivals
As the leaves begin to change and the air turns crisp, there's nothing quite like sipping on a delicious brew while puffing on the perfect cigar. Fall is a season of celebration for beer and cigar lovers alike, and there are some fantastic beer festivals that have caught our attention. Whether you're a fan of barrel-aged beers, traditional German lagers, or just a good old-fashioned tailgate party, there's something for everyone on this list of fall beer festivals.
Next Article: 5 Must Visit Wineries For Cigar Smokers
Out of all the beverages that pair brilliantly with cigars, we very rarely talk about wine.
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