Cigars offer connoisseurs nearly endless possibilities for experimentation. The cigar industry cranks out hundreds of new releases every year, and there are thousands of different cigars in regular production. As such, finding the right cigar among such a huge selection can be tricky — particularly if you’re new to the category. 

Thankfully, Cigar World has a few tools that you can use to locate new cigars and expand your palate. So whether you’ve been smoking for years — or this is your first foray into cigars — we’ve got you covered. 

First, we recommend signing up for Cigar World and following us on social. Not only do we cover all the most exciting new releases here, but we also write features on classic cigar topics and run giveaways that cigar lovers won’t want to miss. 

Once you’re set up, you can take our quiz to help you find your perfect cigar. We’ll ask you a few quick questions about your taste preferences and identify cigars that most align with your answers. Plus, by clicking on a cigar’s page on Cigar World, you can view cigars that have a similar profile. 

Cigar World also allows you to follow your favorite cigar brands. So, if you have an affinity for, say, La Gloria Cubana cigars, you can follow their page to get updates on their new releases and view their complete lineup. 

Before we go, Cigar World offers several other features that will aid you on your tasting adventure. You can use Cigar World’s store locator to find brick-and-mortar cigar shops in your area. We always advocate speaking to professionals at cigar shops. They have extensive knowledge of the category and will give you quality, unbiased cigar recommendations. 

And lastly, you can treat Cigar World like a search engine! Just type in a style of cigar or the name of a cigar brand in the search bar, and you’ll instantly find results, reviews, and all the information you could want. 

Got all that? Perfect — start searching and smoking today! 

P.S. Leave us a comment with any brands or features you’d like to see us add to Cigar World in 2024. We love hearing feedback from you!

Previous Article: A Complete Guide To The Anatomy Of Cigars

Think of this as the ‘birds-and-bees chat,’ but about a different kind of anatomy. Cigar anatomy. When breaking down the anatomy or parts of a cigar, you can think about it in two different ways:

Next Article: How to Find Cigars Near You

To enjoy a cigar, you first have to be able to find it. That might sound obvious, but as experienced cigar lovers likely already know, locating especially rare, renowned, or limited-edition smokes can be a pain –– to put it mildly. Indeed, even popular brands can suffer from stocking or shipping issues from time to time. If you’re tired of struggling to find your favorite cigars, then you’re in the right place. Here’s how Cigar World can help you out.

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    (13 months ago)

    I'd like to see this excellent forum institute some sort of Private Messaging thing. Thank you for such a great place to visit day-in and day-out. Cheers to the staff at Cigar World!